About Tubulin Isotypes

Tubulin isotypes and isoforms have gained in popularity over recent years due to the growing importance of clinical and agricultural anti-tubulin ligands. Drug developers are targeting purified tubulins to exploit the differences between, for example, neuronal and cancer isotypes, or between mammalian and plant isotypes. More product related information can be found in the Tubulin products and Biochem™ Kits sections.

List of attachments

Isotype composition of mammalian brain and cancer cell line tubulins

Sequence comparison of mammalian beta-tubulin isoforms

Sequence comparison of fungal beta-tubulin isoforms

Sequence comparison of fungal alpha-tubulin isoforms

Comparison of neuronal and cancer cell tubulins to different compounds

Comparison of mammalian and plant cell tubulins to different compounds

Comparison of mammalian and fungal cell tubulins to different compounds

Comparison of porcine and bovine tubulins