Actin Products

Actin is a 43 kDa protein that is very highly conserved between species. Actin has three main isotypes (α-actin, β-actin and γ-actin), which show > 90% amino-acid (aa) homology between isotypes and > 98% homology within members of a particular isotypic group. The majority of the isotype heterogeneity is located in the amino-terminal 30 residues. The amino-terminus of actin is located on the periphery of the double-helix in F-actin (4) and this site is also thought to interact with myosin (5).

Cytoskeleton, Inc. offers a large selection of highly pure and biologically active actin proteins, actin binding proteins, antibodies, buffers and research Biochem Kits™. Our Actin Biochem Kits allow researchers easy access to some of the most powerful in vivo and in vitro assays employed in the field. Many citations exist where these products have been used to solve some fundamental questions in biology. Detailed information can be found by clicking on each of the actin product categories outlined below.

For more information about Actin biochemistry, post-translational modification, and actin staining techniques click here. To browse our actin product line, choose a category below.

Cytoskeleton's actin products have been cited hundreds of times over the past two decades. Example citations for purified actin, AKL99, is shown, but more citations are available on individual product pages. Please use the "Citations" tab on each individual product page.

AuthorTitleJournalYearArticle Link
Mougkogiannis, Panagiotis et al.Thermosensory Spiking Activity of Proteinoid Microspheres Cross-Linked by Actin FilamentsLangmuir2024
Kang, Donyoung et al.Mechanical boundary conditions for motor protein dictate geometric pattern and dynamics of actin gel contractionCell Reports Physical Science2024
Sakamoto, Ryota et al.Composite branched and linear F-actin maximize myosin-induced membrane shape changes in a biomimetic cell modelCommunications Biology2024
Sakamoto, R. et al.Active tension and membrane friction mediate cortical flows and blebbing in a model actomyosin cortexPhysical Review Research2024
Liu, Junnan et al.Impairment of α-tubulin and F-actin interactions of GJB3 induces aneuploidy in urothelial cells and promotes bladder cancer cell invasionCellular and Molecular Biology Letters2024
Aquino-Perez, Cecilia et al.FAM110A promotes mitotic spindle formation by linking microtubules with actin cytoskeletonProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2024
Haciosmanoglu Aldogan, Ebru et al.Depolymerization of actin filaments by Cucurbitacin I through binding G-actinFood Science & Nutrition2024
Paladini, Serena et al.Measurement and Characterization of the Electrical Properties of Actin FilamentsInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences 2024
McCormick, Laura E. et al.Multi-monoubiquitylation controls VASP-mediated actin dynamicsJournal of Cell Science2024
Sakamoto, Ryota et al.F-actin architecture determines the conversion of chemical energy into mechanical workNature Communications 2024
Chand, Abhishu et al.CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots’ Impact on In Vitro Actin DynamicsInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences 2024
Morales, E. Angelo et al.Mitotic spindle positioning protein (MISP) preferentially binds to aged F-actinJournal of Biological Chemistry2024
Smith, Amanda J. et al.Design and Construction of a Multi-Tiered Minimal Actin Cortex for Structural Support in Lipid Bilayer ApplicationsACS Applied Bio Materials2024
Okura, Kaoru et al.Mechanical Stress Decreases the Amplitude of Twisting and Bending Fluctuations of Actin FilamentsJournal of Molecular Biology2023
Knerr, Julian et al.Formin-mediated nuclear actin at androgen receptors promotes transcriptionNature2023
Rangarajan, Erumbi S. et al.The nematode α-catenin ortholog, HMP1, has an extended α-helix when bound to actin filamentsJournal of Biological Chemistry2023
Chen, Xudong et al.Phase separation-mediated actin bundling by the postsynaptic density condensateseLife2023
Hawkins, Timothy J. et al.NET4 and RabG3 link actin to the tonoplast and facilitate cytoskeletal remodelling during stomatal immunityNature Communications2023
Chen, Yuqi et al.Membrane skeleton hyperstability due to a novel alternatively spliced 4.1R can account for ellipsoidal camelid red cells with decreased deformabilityJournal of Biological Chemistry2023
Su, Chao et al.Stabilization of membrane topologies by proteinaceous remorin scaffoldsNature Communications2023
Yu, Yiming et al.Self-assembly of CIP4 drives actin-mediated asymmetric pit-closing in clathrin-mediated endocytosisNature Communications2023
Dibsy, Rayane et al.HIV-1 diverts cortical actin for particle assembly and releaseNature Communications2023
McGorty, Ryan J. et al.Kinesin and myosin motors compete to drive rich multiphase dynamics in programmable cytoskeletal compositesPNAS Nexus2023
Boonrod, Kajohn et al.Identification of the Actin-Binding Region and Binding to Host Plant Apple Actin of Immunodominant Transmembrane Protein of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’International Journal of Molecular Sciences2023
Araki, Kazutaka et al.Molecular Dynamics Mappings of the CCT/TRiC Complex-Mediated Protein Folding Cycle Using Diffracted X-ray TrackingInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences2023
Shi, Bright et al.An ensemble of cadherin-catenin-vinculin complex employs vinculin as the major F-actin binding modeBiophysical Journal2023
Nietmann, Peter et al.Cytosolic actin isoforms form networks with different rheological properties that indicate specific biological functionNature Communications2023
Chen, Xiaobing et al.Crowding alters F-actin secondary structure and hydrationCommunications Biology2023
Rivera Alvarez, José et al.The kinesin Kif21b regulates radial migration of cortical projection neurons through a non-canonical function on actin cytoskeletonCell reports2023
Martin, Annabell et al.A general strategy to develop fluorogenic polymethine dyes for bioimagingNature Chemistry2023
Nakamura, Hideki et al.ActuAtor, a Listeria-inspired molecular tool for physical manipulation of intracellular organizations through de novo actin polymerizationCell reports2023
Henry, Conor M. et al.SYK ubiquitination by CBL E3 ligases restrains cross-presentation of dead cell-associated antigens by type 1 dendritic cellsCell reports2023
Ashour, Dina J. et al.Zasp52 strengthens whole embryo tissue integrity through supracellular actomyosin networksDevelopment2023
Ji, Xinmiao et al.Intermittent F-actin Perturbations by Magnetic Fields Inhibit Breast Cancer MetastasisResearch2023
Domínguez-García, Pablo et al.Micro-mechanical response and power-law exponents from the longitudinal fluctuations of F-actin solutionsSoft Matter2023
Henty-Ridilla, Jessica L.Visualizing Actin and Microtubule Coupling Dynamics In Vitro by Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) MicroscopyJoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)2022
Sasanpour, Mehrzad et al.Reconstituting and Characterizing Actin-Microtubule Composites with Tunable Motor-Driven Dynamics and MechanicsJoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)2022
Cheng, Xiaohang et al.Reconstitution of Phase-Separated Signaling Clusters and Actin Polymerization on Supported Lipid BilayersFrontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology2022
Bashirzadeh, Yashar et al.Encapsulated actomyosin patterns drive cell-like membrane shape changesiScience2022
Morales, E. Angelo et al.Mitotic Spindle Positioning (MISP) is an actin bundler that selectively stabilizes the rootlets of epithelial microvilliCell Reports2022
Sheung, Janet Y. et al.Motor-driven advection competes with crowding to drive spatiotemporally heterogeneous transport in cytoskeleton compositesFrontiers in Physics2022
Wu, Yueh-Fu O. et al.The CLIP-170 N-terminal domain binds directly to both F-actin and microtubules in a mutually exclusive mannerJournal of Biological Chemistry2022
Arbore, C. et al.α-catenin switches between a slip and an asymmetric catch bond with F-actin to cooperatively regulate cell junction fluidityNature Communications2022
Würtz, Martin et al.Modular assembly of the principal microtubule nucleator γ-TuRCNature Communications2022
Rimoli, Caio Vaz et al.4polar-STORM polarized super-resolution imaging of actin filament organization in cellsNature Communications2022
Lin, Lin et al.Phase separation-mediated condensation of Whirlin-Myo15-Eps8 stereocilia tip complexCell Reports2021
Giampazolias, Evangelos et al.Secreted gelsolin inhibits DNGR-1-dependent cross-presentation and cancer immunityCell2021
Hsiao, Bo Yuan et al.Human costars family protein abracl modulates actin dynamics and cell migration and associates with tumorigenic growthInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences2021
Lee, Gloria et al.Myosin-driven actin-microtubule networks exhibit self-organized contractile dynamicsScience Advances2021
Peris-Moreno, Dulce et al.Ube2l3, a partner of murf1/trim63, is involved in the degradation of myofibrillar actin and myosinCells2021
Colombo, Jessica et al.A functional family of fluorescent nucleotide analogues to investigate actin dynamics and energeticsNature Communications2021
Ricketts, Shea N. et al.Triggering Cation-Induced Contraction of Cytoskeleton Networks via MicrofluidicsFrontiers in Physics2020
Lin, Shan Shan et al.Dynamin-2 Regulates Postsynaptic Cytoskeleton Organization and Neuromuscular Junction DevelopmentCell Reports2020
Cheng, Yu Shu et al.The load dependence and the force-velocity relation in intact myosin filaments from skeletal and smooth musclesAmerican Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology2020
Sonal et al.Myosin-II activity generates a dynamic steady state with continuous actin turnover in a minimal actin cortexJournal of Cell Science2019
Francis, Madison L. et al.Non-monotonic dependence of stiffness on actin crosslinking in cytoskeleton compositesSoft Matter2019
Stavusis, Janis et al.Novel mutations in MYBPC1 are associated with myogenic tremor and mild myopathyAnnals of Neurology2019
Shashi, Vandana et al.Heterozygous variants in MYBPC1 are associated with an expanded neuromuscular phenotype beyond arthrogryposisHuman Mutation2019
Gardini, Lucia et al.A protocol for single molecule imaging and tracking of processive myosin motorsMethodsX2019
Piroli, Gerardo G. et al.Identification of novel protein targets of DMF modification in neurons and astrocytes reveals actions independent of Nrf2 stabilizationMolecular and Cellular Proteomics2019
Anderson, Sylas J. et al.Filament Rigidity Vies with Mesh Size in Determining Anomalous Diffusion in CytoskeletonBiomacromolecules2019
Li, Zhiwei et al.Homer Tetramer Promotes Actin Bundling Activity of DrebrinStructure2019
Liang, Xiaoling et al.Transgelin 2 is required for embryo implantation by promoting actin polymerizationFASEB Journal2019
Balta, Emre et al.Spatial oxidation of L-plastin downmodulates actin-based functions of tumor cellsNature Communications2019
Kommaddi, Reddy Peera et al.Aβ mediates F-actin disassembly in dendritic spines leading to cognitive deficits in alzheimer’s diseaseJournal of Neuroscience2018
Zeng, Menglong et al.Reconstituted Postsynaptic Density as a Molecular Platform for Understanding Synapse Formation and PlasticityCell2018
Papadaki, Maria et al.Diabetes with heart failure increases methylglyoxal modifications in the sarcomere, which inhibit functionJCI insight2018
Ricketts, Shea N. et al.Co-Entangled Actin-Microtubule Composites Exhibit Tunable Stiffness and Power-Law Stress RelaxationBiophysical Journal2018
Ahmed, Zubair M. et al.Inframe deletion of human ESPN is associated with deafness, vestibulopathy and vision impairmentJournal of Medical Genetics2018
Heier, Jonathon A. et al.Measuring protein binding to F-actin by co-sedimentationJournal of Visualized Experiments2017
Ordija, Christine M. et al.Free actin impairs macrophage bacterial defenses via scavenger receptor MARCO interaction with reversal by plasma gelsolinAmerican Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology2017
Kubiniok, Peter et al.Time-resolved phosphoproteome analysis of paradoxical RAF activation reveals novel targets of ERKMolecular and Cellular Proteomics2017
Goryunov, D et al.Microtubule-actin cross-linking factor 1: domains, interaction partners, and tissue-specific functionsMethods in Enzymology2016
Belyy, Alexander et al.Actin activates Pseudomonas aeruginosa ExoY nucleotidyl cyclase toxin and ExoY-like effector domains from MARTX toxinsNature Communications2016
Zheng, Lili et al.Correction to Characterization and regulation of an additional actin-filamentbinding site in large isoforms of the stereocilia actin-bundling protein espin [Journal of Cell Science (2015), 127, 1306-1317]Journal of Cell Science2015
Walrant, Astrid et al.Triggering actin polymerization in xenopus egg extracts from phosphoinositide-containing lipid bilayersMethods in Cell Biology2015
Chan, Eddie et al.The acetylenic tricyclic bis(cyano enone), TBE-31 inhibits non-small cell lung cancer cell migration through direct binding with actinCancer Prevention Research2014
Luo, Shen et al.Taurine chloramine-induced inactivation of cofilin protein through methionine oxidationFree Radical Biology and Medicine2014
Maiden, Stephanie L. et al.Specific conserved C-terminal amino acids of caenorhabditis elegans HMP-1/α-catenin modulate f-actin binding independently of vinculinJournal of Biological Chemistry2013
Butler, Suzanne C. et al.Inhibitory effects of pectenotoxins from marine algae on the polymerization of various actin isoformsToxicology in Vitro2012
Jensen, Mikkel Herholdt et al.Effects of basic calponin on the flexural mechanics and stability of F-actinCytoskeleton2012
Windhorst, Sabine et al.Functional role of inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate-3-kinase-A for motility of malignant transformed cellsInternational Journal of Cancer2011
Zucchini, Daniela et al.Kinetic and spectroscopic characterization of the putative monooxygenase domain of human MICAL-1Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics2011
Zhang, Tong et al.Growth-Arrest-Specific protein 2 inhibits cell division in xenopus embryosPLoS ONE2011
Choi, Chang Hoon et al.Expression of Actin-interacting Protein 1 Suppresses Impaired Chemotaxis of Dictyostelium Cells Lacking the Na+-H+ Exchanger NHE1Molecular Biology of the Cell2010
Romagnoli, Silvia et al.Cytosolic proteins from tobacco pollen tubes that crosslink microtubules and actin filaments in vitro are metabolic enzymesCytoskeleton2010
Del Duca, Stefano et al.Effects of post-translational modifications catalysed by pollen transglutaminase on the functional properties of microtubulesand actin filamentsBiochemical Journal2009
Sawyer, Gregory M. et al.Disease-associated Substitutions in the Filamin B Actin Binding Domain Confer Enhanced Actin Binding Affinity in the Absence of Major Structural Disturbance: Insights from the Crystal Structures of Filamin B Actin Binding DomainsJournal of Molecular Biology2009
Norman, Holly et al.Myofibrillar protein and gene expression in acute quadriplegic myopathyJournal of the Neurological Sciences2009
Chellaiah, Meenakshi A. et al.Phosphorylation of a Wiscott-Aldrich syndrome protein-associated signal complex is critical in osteoclast bone resorptionJournal of Biological Chemistry2007
Allingham, John S. et al.A Structural Basis for Regulation of Actin Polymerization by PectenotoxinsJournal of Molecular Biology2007
Arora, Pamela D. et al.Gelsolin Mediates Collagen Phagocytosis through a Rac-dependent StepMolecular Biology of the Cell2004
Ishikawa, Takashi et al.Subdomain organization of the Acanthamoeba myosin IC tail from cryo-electron microscopyProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2004
Upadhyaya, Arpita et al.Probing polymerization forces by using actin-propelled lipid vesiclesProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2003
Loomis, Patricia A. et al.Espin cross-links cause the elongation of microvillus-type parallel actin bundles in vivo2003
Balcer, Heath I. et al.Coordinated Regulation of Actin Filament Turnover by a High-Molecular-Weight Srv2/CAP Complex, Cofilin, Profilin, and Aip12003
Humphries, Christine L. et al.Direct regulation of Arp2/3 complex activity and function by the actin binding protein coronin2002
Sagot, Isabelle et al.An actin nucleation mechanism mediated by Bni1 and ProfilinNature Cell Biology2002
Engqvist-Goldstein, Åsa E.Y. et al.The actin-binding protein Hip1R associates with clathrin during early stages of endocytosis and promotes clathrin assembly in vitroJournal of Cell Biology2001
McGhie, E. J. et al.Cooperation between actin-binding proteins of invasive Salmonella: SipA potentiates SipC nucleation and bundling of actinThe EMBO Journal2001
  1. Actin protein (biotin): skeletal muscle AB07
    Actin protein (biotin): skeletal muscle
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  2. Actin protein (>99% pure): bovine cardiac muscle AD99
    Actin protein (>99% pure): bovine cardiac muscle
    Learn More
  3. Actin protein (pre-formed filaments): rabbit skeletal muscle AKF99
    Actin protein (pre-formed filaments): rabbit skeletal muscle
    Learn More
  4. Actin protein (>95% pure): rabbit skeletal muscle AKL95
    Actin protein (>95% pure): rabbit skeletal muscle
    Learn More
  5. Actin protein ( >99% pure): rabbit skeletal muscle AKL99
    Actin protein (>99% pure): rabbit skeletal muscle
    Learn More
  6. Actin protein (pyrene labeled): rabbit skeletal muscle AP05
    Actin protein (pyrene labeled): rabbit skeletal muscle Learn More
  7. Actin protein (rhodamine): rabbit skeletal muscle AR05
    Actin protein (rhodamine): rabbit skeletal muscle
    Learn More
  8. Actin protein (>99% pure): chicken gizzard muscle AS99
    Actin protein (>99% pure): chicken gizzard muscle
    Learn More
  9. Alpha-actinin protein: rabbit skeletal muscle AT01
    Alpha-actinin protein: rabbit skeletal muscle
    Learn More
  10. Actin Binding Protein Spin-Down Assay Biochem Kit: rabbit skeletal muscle actin BK001
    Actin Binding Protein Spin-Down Assay Biochem Kit: rabbit skeletal muscle actin
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  11. Actin Polymerization Biochem Kit (fluorescence format): rabbit skeletal muscle actin BK003
    Actin Polymerization Biochem Kit (fluorescence format): rabbit skeletal muscle actin
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  12. F-actin Visualization Biochem Kit (fluorescence format) BK005
    F-actin Visualization Biochem Kit (fluorescence format)
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  13. Actin Binding Protein Spin-Down Assay Biochem Kit: human platelet actin BK013
    Actin Binding Protein Spin-Down Assay Biochem Kit: human platelet actin
    Learn More
  14. G-Actin/F-actin In Vivo Assay Biochem Kit BK037
    G-Actin/F-actin In Vivo Assay Biochem Kit
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  15. Myosin II protein: rabbit skeletal muscle MY02
    Myosin II protein: rabbit skeletal muscle
    Learn More
  16. Myosin protein: bovine cardiac muscle MY03
    Myosin protein: bovine cardiac muscle
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  17. Profilin 1 protein: Untagged, human recombinant PR02
    Profilin 1 protein: Untagged, human recombinant
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  18. Tropomyosin/Troponin Complex, bovine source, >60% pure CS-TT05
    Tropomyosin/Troponin Complex, bovine source, >60% pure
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  19. Heavy Meromyosin Protein (HMM Fragment from cardiac muscle tissue) CS-MH03

    Heavy Meromyosin Protein (HMM Fragment from cardiac muscle tissue)

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  20. MICAL-1 Protein 6xHis MIC01
    6xHis MICAL-1 Protein Redox-CH domains (2 x 50 micrograms) Learn More