Live Cell Imaging Reagents

Cytoskeleton Inc. - Fluorescent Proteins and Reagents

Cytoskeleton offers several reagents for live-cell research including fluorescent actin, ECM, and tubulin proteins, as well as, cell permeable protein activators and inhibitors. This includes our new HiLyte™488 actin and HiLyte™555 actin tools that provide more versatility for researchers while complementing our existing labeled actin and tubulin tools that are used in an array of applications. 

Spirochrome Probes For Bioimaging

The SiR- , SPY-, PK-, and Flipper-TR Live-cell imaging probes developed by Spirochrome are cell-permeable compounds which label microtubules, F-actin , Lysosomes, membrane, mitochondria, and chromosomal DNA in living cells. SPY™ probes improve upon the SiR live cell imaging technology while also expanding the fluorophore labeling options for the study of F-actin, microtubules, and DNA in living cells.  

MemGlow™ Probes For Bioimaging: From The MemBright Family Of Probes

Cytoskeleton Inc. offers an array of innovative probes to visualize the cellular plasma membrane, which was originally developed by the makers of the MemBright probes. MemGlow™ probes provide high photostability, exhibit excellent fluorescent quantum yields, and some of them are super-resolution compatible.  Also available are NR Polarity Probes which are solvatochromic photostable plasma membrane-targeting dyes.

HiLyte™555 labeled actin

SiR Actin Labeled Cells

NR12A Membrane Probe

Cytoskeleton's live cell imaging products have been cited hundreds of times over the past two decades. A select few are described here. More individual product citations listed on each product page.

AuthorTitleJournalYearArticle Link
Zhou, Qing et al.An orphan kinesin in Trypanosoma brucei regulates hook complex assembly and Golgi biogenesismBio2024
Sun, Shuangshuang et al.Metabolic regulation of cytoskeleton functions by HDAC6-catalyzed α-tubulin lactylationNature Communications 2024 15:12024
Salvador-Garcia, David et al.A force-sensitive mutation reveals a non-canonical role for dynein in anaphase progressionThe Journal of cell biology2024
Singh, Kashish et al.Molecular mechanism of dynein-dynactin complex assembly by LIS1Science2024
Rai, Dipti et al.CAMSAPs and nucleation-promoting factors control microtubule release from γ-TuRCNature Cell Biology2024
Polley, Soumitra et al. Stable kinetochore‐microtubule attachment requires loop‐dependent Ndc80‐Ndc80 binding The EMBO Journal2023
Nishida, Kohei et al.Effects of three microtubule-associated proteins (MAP2, MAP4, and Tau) on microtubules’ physical properties and neurite morphologyScientific Reports2023
De Abreu, Isadora Rocha et al.A molecular analysis of substituted phenylethylamines as potential microtubule targeting agents through in silico methods and in vitro microtubule-polymerization activityScientific Reports 2023
Singh, Rajendra K. et al.Coordinated Biophysical Stimulation of MSCs via Electromagnetized Au-Nanofiber Matrix Regulates Cytoskeletal-to-Nuclear Mechanoresponses and Lineage SpecificationAdvanced Functional Materials2023
Castrogiovanni, Cédric et al.Evidence for a HURP/EB free mixed-nucleotide zone in kinetochore-microtubulesNature Communications2022
Masucci, Erin M. et al.Microtubule dynamics influence the retrograde biased motility of kinesin-4 motor teams in neuronal dendritesMolecular Biology of the Cell2022
Henty-Ridilla, Jessica L.Visualizing Actin and Microtubule Coupling Dynamics In Vitro by Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) MicroscopyJoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)2022
Sasanpour, Mehrzad et al.Reconstituting and Characterizing Actin-Microtubule Composites with Tunable Motor-Driven Dynamics and MechanicsJoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)2022
Baron, Desiree M et al.ALS-associated KIF5A mutations abolish autoinhibition resulting in a toxic gain of function.Cell reports2022
Cheng, Xianrui et al.Xenopus laevis egg extract preparation and live imaging methods for visualizing dynamic cytoplasmic organizationJournal of Visualized Experiments2021
Goldstein-Levitin, Alina et al.Intracellular functions and motile properties of bi-directional kinesin-5 cin8 are regulated by neck linker dockingeLife2021
Lee, Gloria et al.Active cytoskeletal composites display emergent tunable contractility and restructuringSoft Matter2021
Aher, Amol et al.CLASP Mediates Microtubule Repair by Restricting Lattice Damage and Regulating Tubulin IncorporationCurrent Biology2020
Nolet, Felix E. et al.Nuclei determine the spatial origin of mitotic waveseLife2020
Chen, Keyu et al.Giant ankyrin-B suppresses stochastic collateral axon branching through direct interaction with microtubulesJournal of Cell Biology2020
Rodríguez-García, Ruddi et al.Mechanisms of Motor-Independent Membrane Remodeling Driven by Dynamic MicrotubulesCurrent Biology2020
Farhadi, Leila et al.Actin and microtubule crosslinkers tune mobility and control co-localization in a composite cytoskeletal networkSoft Matter2020
Nakos, Konstantinos et al.Regulation of microtubule plus end dynamics by septin 9Cytoskeleton2019
Guedes-Dias, Pedro et al.Kinesin-3 Responds to Local Microtubule Dynamics to Target Synaptic Cargo Delivery to the PresynapseCurrent Biology2019
Nakos, Konstantinos et al.Septin 2/6/7 complexes tune microtubule plus-end growth and EB1 binding in a concentration- And filament-dependent mannerMolecular Biology of the Cell2019
Fan, Yuanwei et al.The Arabidopsis SPIRAL2 Protein Targets and Stabilizes Microtubule Minus EndsCurrent Biology2018
Colin, Alexandra et al.Actin-Network Architecture Regulates Microtubule DynamicsCurrent Biology2018
McClintock, Mark A. et al.RNA-directed activation of cytoplasmic dynein-1 in reconstituted transport RNPseLife2018
Aher, Amol et al.CLASP Suppresses Microtubule Catastrophes through a Single TOG DomainDevelopmental Cell2018
Melo, Esther et al.HtrA1 Mediated Intracellular Effects on Tubulin Using a Polarized RPE Disease ModelEBioMedicine2018
Zhu, Yili et al.An in vitro Microscopy-based Assay for Microtubule-binding and Microtubule-crosslinking by Budding Yeast Microtubule-associated ProteinBio-Protocol2018
Zhang, Rui et al.Interplay of structure, elasticity, and dynamics in actin-based nematic materialsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2017
Kandel, Mikhail E. et al.Label-Free Imaging of Single Microtubule Dynamics Using Spatial Light Interference MicroscopyACS Nano2017
Arellano-Santoyo, Hugo et al.A Tubulin Binding Switch Underlies Kip3/Kinesin-8 Depolymerase ActivityDevelopmental Cell2017
Britto, Mishan et al.Schizosaccharomyces pombe kinesin-5 switches direction using a steric blocking mechanismProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2016
Taberner, Núria et al.Reconstituting Functional Microtubule-Barrier InteractionsMethods in Cell Biology2014
DeBerg, Hannah A. et al.Motor domain phosphorylation modulates kinesin-1 transportJournal of Biological Chemistry2013
Rostovtseva, Tatiana K. et al.Membrane Lipid Composition Regulates Tubulin Interaction with Mitochondrial Voltage-dependent Anion Channel *Journal of Biological Chemistry2012
Hara, Masatoshi et al.Greatwall kinase and cyclin B-Cdk1 are both critical constituents of M-phase-promoting factorNature Communications2012
  1. Mito Flipper-TR Kit for fluorescence cell membrane microscopy CY-SC023

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  2. Lyso Flipper-TR Kit for fluorescence cell membrane microscopy CY-SC022

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  3. ER Flipper-TR Kit for fluorescence cell membrane microscopy CY-SC021

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