6 Steps for Go-BlotV2 Setup:
3. Programming
6. Maintence and Troubleshooting
This page has been put together with new operators in mind. We've compiled some safety and instructional information that we hope you find useful.
Set-Up and Wifi Connection
A Western blotting device has never been so flexible and easy to use as the new GO-Blot™ V2. There are three tray sizes to choose from and infinite (nearly) combinations of Protocols to create.
Setup Steps:
1. Place the GO-Blot V2 device on a stable flat bench and check with a level that the lower surface of the unit is level in the x and y directions. Adjust level if necessary.
2. Chose a tray size and lightly smear silicone or vacuum grease on the tray’s out port.
3. Fit in the tray as shown below, and turn on the power.
Wifi Connection Steps:
You may proceed directly to the Pre-defined Protocols at this stage by clicking Run Protocol (see later). To set up the Wi-Fi:
Operating Go-Blotv2 interface on mobile:
Open a browser on your phone, type in the IP and see the control panel in the
Tip: Search for a vacant IP address on your network or scan network for devices
1. Open a browser and search for “Download Advanced IP Scanner”
2. Download and open software.
3. Run the scan to see a list of IP addresses and their devices.
Pre-defined Programs
Choose from 10 Pre-defined Protocols or try out the new phone interface to create your own.
Seleting pre-defined programs steps:
Warning: do not load solutions until the Water Wash Protocol has run.
1. When in front of the GO-Blot V2 machine, click the “Back” button until you see the Main Menu.
2. Then scroll up or down, by clicking the “Up” or “Down” buttons to highlight the “Select Program to Run” line.
3. Click the “Enter” button.
4. Scroll down to the desired protocol and click Enter.
Creating custom protocols may be necessary for specific antibody applications. Utilize the steps below to easily create custom protocols to fit your needs.
4. Fill out each field with appropriate data, e. g. the wash steps have two data points, the first one is number of washes, the second is length of each wash in minutes. Wash volume is automatically determined by the Buffer Reservoir and the Tray size
5. Once the complete protocol has been added, tap “Submit” to save the new protocol. Protocols are listed chronologically, so this protocol will be at the end of the list.
Note: The Large tray type will be limited automatically if there are too many washes, the maximum number of washes for the Large tray Is 12 total.
Note: If you cannot see the Submit button on the iphone version, shrink the screen and/or tap on AA symbol at top left, and chose “Hide address bar” option.
Running a Protocol
Warning: do not load solutions until the Water Wash Protocol has run.
A Water Wash is necessary to start using your GO-Blot V2 and to ensure all systems are working well. A Water Wash is also recommended after greater than 1 week without a run. Sometimes the last operator might forget to clean the machine with a Water Wash, in this situation the Water Wash has to be run before using the machine.
Using mygoblot.com
Visit mygoblot.com to set up your user account, and store your results to share with your lab or the global community. In addition, there is a growing community of users that share their successful protocol/antibody combinations on the Global Western Portal.
Retrieving data