NEW Format - The new, versatile format allows for more precise control when using the acetyl-lysine affinity beads
As part of the Signal-Seeker™ product line, AAC04 acetyl-lysine affinity beads have been optimized to detect endogenous levels of lysine-acetylated proteins. The new, versatile format of the acetyl-lysine affinity beads are provided as AAC02-Beads (Clone 7B5A1) and AAC03-Beads (Clone 19C4B2.1) that have been chemically conjugated to Protein G beads. These beads can be combined in a 1:1 mixture to produce AAC04-Beads, and the new format provides great flexibility and precision when investigating acetyl-lysine PTMs. Validation studies have shown that these beads can immunoprecipitate a wide range of lysine-acetylated proteins with minimal detectable leaching of either heavy or light chains in an IP assay. A comprehensive Signal-Seeker™ acetyl-lysine Detection Kit is also available (BK163) and is recommended for first time users.
Validation Data: Acetyl-Lysine Affinity Beads White Paper
Each lot of affinity-bead is quality controlled to provide high batch to batch consistency, see COA documents.
Application 1: Immunoprecipitation of total Acetyl-Lysine Profile Detection Using AAC02-Beads, AAC03-Beads or combining the beads (AAC04-Beads) -- All 3 options are possible with the new AAC04-Beads format
AAC02-Beads, AAC03-Beads, and AAC04-Beads (50µl bead slurry) were used to IP acetylated proteins from Cos-7 cells either treated (+) or untreated (-) with deacetylase inhibitors [TSA (1µM) and nicotinamide (1mM)] for 6 hours. The total profile of enriched acetylated proteins were eluted and analyzed by western blot with an AAC03-HRP antibody (1:3000). Mouse IgG beads are used as a control for non-specific binding (Cat # CIG02). Each IP assay utilized 1 mg of Cos-7 lysate.
Application 2: Immunoprecipitation of target-specific acetylated proteins Using AAC02-Beads, AAC03-Beads or combining the beads (AAC04-Beads) -- All 3 options are possible with the new AAC04-Beads format
AAC03-Beads & AAC02-Beads (50µl bead slurry) and a 1:1 mix (25 µl each) AAC04-Beads, were used to IP acetylated proteins from Cos-7 cells either treated (+) or untreated (-) with deacetylase inhibitors, [TSA (1µM) and nicotinamide (1mM)], for 6 hours. Western blot analysis using anti EGFR and anti-RhoGDI antibodies was performed and signals were quantitated using LiCor Empiria software. IP assays were also carried out and signals quantitated for mouse IgG control beads (blots not shown). Each IP used 1 mg of lysate.
Application 3: Immunoprecipitation of acetylated proteins from tissue samples
Mouse tissue extracts (liver and heart) were obtained with BlastR buffer. IP was performed using AAC04 beads (60 μg) or mIgG control bead (#CIG02, 60 μg) in 1mg of tissue extracts. Enriched proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE and analyzed by western blot with AAC03-HRP (1:3000).
Enrichment of total acetyl-lysine proteins using AAC04 affinity beads, cell signaling acetyl lysine antibody, and immune chem acetyl lysine affinity beads
Various acetyl-lysine affinity reagents were used to IP acetylated proteins from Cos-7 cells either treated (+) or untreated (-) with TSA (1 μM) and nicotinamide (1 mM) for 6 hours. (1) 16.7 ml of AAC04 bead slurry (20 μg antibody). (2) 50ml of AAC04 bead slurry (60 μg antibody). (3) Anti-acetyl lysine rabbit monoclonal mix (Cell Signaling, 1:100 per manufacturer’s instruction). (4) ImmuneChem acetyl lysine affinity bead (40 μg antibody). (5) ImmunChem acetyl lysine bead (80 μg antibody). (6) Normal mouse IgG control bead (60 μg antibody). The total profile of enriched acetylated proteins were eluted and analyzed by western blot with an AAC03-HRP antibody (1:3000). AAC04 performed exceptionally well in enriching a broad range of acetylated proteins whereas the other commercial acetyl lysine enrichment reagents primarily enriched the most abundance acetylated proteins (e.g. acetylated tubulin and histones).
Each package contains enough acetyl-lysine affinity beads for 40 reactions.
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Associated Products:
Signal-Seeker™ SUMOylation 2/3 Detection Kit (Cat. # BK162)
Signal-Seeker™ Ubiquitination Detection Kit (Cat. # BK161)
Signal-Seeker™ Acetyl-Lysine Detection Kit (Cat. # BK163)
Signal-Seeker™: BlastR™ Rapid Lysate Prep Kit (Cat. # BLR01)
Signal-Seeker™: PTMtrue™ Aceetyl lysine Antibody (Cat.# AAC03)
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