GoBlot2 Tech Tips and Tricks

Congratulations on the purchase of your new GoBlot machine! We've compiled a few tips for you below that will help you get your western blot system up and running the way you want. You can always ask questions or get general support by emailing tservice@cytoskeleton.com. Stay tuned to this page as we add more tips and updates from users in the field.

Creating an Icon on your IPhone

Creating an Icon on your Android

Finding a Vacant IP Adress

Entering New Protocols into your GoBlot

Creating an Icon on your IPhone

Steps for creating an IPhone Icon:

1. Go to your device’s IP address in a browser
2. Click the icon
3. Scroll down to Add to home screen
4. Name your Shortcut
5. Click Done and you should see this ->

IPhone Icon

Creating an Icon on your Android

Steps for creating an Android Icon:

1. Go to your device’s IP address in a browser
2. Click and hold on the padlock in the address bar
3. Drag cursor to desktop and release and you get this ->

Android Icon

Finding a Vacant IP Address

Steps for Finding a Vacant IP Address:
1. Open a browser and search for “Download Advanced IP Scanner”
2. Download and open software.
3. Run the scan to see a list of IP addresses and their devices.
4. Click Expand
5. Your Goblot should appear as HTTP, Cytoskeleton GoBlotV2| BlotX10 (see ->)  

Advanced IP Scanner with GoBlot Shown

Entering New Protocols into your GoBlot

1. New Protocols are listed chronologically, therefore the latest protocol will be at the end of the list.
2. The Large tray type will be limited automatically if there are too many washes, the maximum number of washes for the Large tray Is 12 total.
3. If you cannot see the Submit button on the iphone version, shrink the screen and/or tap on AA symbol at top left, and chose “Hide address bar” option.
4. You can select the name or date range by the table’s title drop down menus in MyGoBlot.com 
5. Download folder locations vary, on the iPhone they are denoted by the xxx symbol, whereas for the Android they are denoted by the xxx symbol. On the computer they are found in the main C:/Download folder for PCs, or the xxx icon for apple computers.