MemGlow™ Plasma Membrane Probes for Bioimaging

Cytoskeleton is proud to announce the release of innovative probes to visualize the cellular plasma membrane, which was originally developed by the makers of the MemBright probes.

Cytoskeleton Inc. has three unique offerings:

Bright Fluorogenic  MemGlow™ Probes

MemGlow™ probes provide high photostability, exhibit excellent fluorescent quantum yields, and some of them are super-resolution compatible. MemGlow™ probes are chemically composed of cyanine or BODIPY dyes bearing zwitterionic amphiphilic anchors for enhanced retention in the plasma membrane. Click here to learn more.

NR Membrane Polarity Probes

NR Polarity Probes are solvatochromic photostable plasma membrane-targeting dyes. Upon binding with a plasma membrane in a predominant liquid ordered (LO) phase these probes exhibit a 45-50 nm wavelength shift relative to liquid disordered (Ld) phase enabling investigators to examine the nanoscale distribution of local chemical polarity in plasma membranes. Click here to learn more.

New Lipibright™ Lipid Droplet Probes

Cytoskeleton is proud to announce 3 new bright fluorogenic probes to visualize lipid droplets. LipiBright™ live cell probes fluoresce 300 to 1000 times brighter in an oily/lipid environment compared to aqueous solutions and effectively label lipid droplets. Click here to learn more.

Laser scanning confocal imaging of live KB cells labeled with MemGlow™ 488.