Tubulin protein: MAP rich: porcine brain

Tubulin protein: MAP rich: porcine brain

Product Uses Include

  • Studying the effects of MAPs on microtubule dynamics
  • Studying the binding sites between MAPs and tubulin.
  • Studying the effects of anti-microtubule drugs on microtubule polymerization.

    Tubulin and microtubule associated proteins (MAPs) has been purified from porcine brain by an adaptation of the method of Shelanski et al. (1). Tubulin is supplied as a white lyophilized powder. The protein composition is approximately 70% tubulin (55 kDa heterodimer) and 30% MAPs. The MAPs in this product act to stabilize microtubules and to enhance tubulin polymerization. MAP rich tubulin can polymerize efficiently at 1-2 mg/ml.

    MAP-rich tubulin is also available from a bovine source (Cat. # ML113).

    Purity is determined by scanning densitometry of proteins on SDS-PAGE gels. Samples are approximately 70% tubulin and 30% MAPs.

    Biological Activity
    One unit of MAP-rich tubulin is defined as 5.0 mg of protein (as determined by the Precision Red Protein Assay Reagent, Cat. # ADV02). MAP-rich tubulin will polymerize efficiently at protein concentrations above 1mg/ml and temperatures above 24°C.


    1. Shelanski M. L., et al. (1973). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 70, 765-768

    For product Datasheets and MSDSs please click on the PDF links below.   For additional information, click on the FAQs tab above or contact our Technical Support department at tservice@cytoskeleton.com

    AuthorTitleJournalYearArticle Link
    Li, Xiaofan et al.Discovery of STRO-002, a Novel Homogeneous ADC Targeting Folate Receptor Alpha, for the Treatment of Ovarian and Endometrial CancersMolecular Cancer Therapeutics2023
    Chang, Chi I. et al.Synthesis and Structure–Activity Relationship of Salvinal Derivatives as Potent Microtubule InhibitorsInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences2023
    Muñoz-Torrero, Diego et al.Chlorpyrifos Oxon Activates Glutamate and Lysine for Protein Cross-linkingChemical Research in Toxicology2023
    Schopfer, Lawrence M. et al.Organophosphorus Pesticides Promote Protein Cross-LinkingChemical Research in Toxicology2022
    Schopfer, Lawrence M. et al.Evaluation of mass spectrometry MS/MS spectra for the presence of isopeptide crosslinked peptidesPLoS ONE2021
    Baker, Stacey J. et al.A Contaminant Impurity, Not Rigosertib, Is a Tubulin Binding AgentMolecular Cell2020
    You, Zhiyuan et al.Requirement for p62 acetylation in the aggregation of ubiquitylated proteins under nutrient stressNature Communications2019
    Tripathy, Ratna et al.Mutations in MAST1 Cause Mega-Corpus-Callosum Syndrome with Cerebellar Hypoplasia and Cortical MalformationsNeuron2018
    Rath, S. et al.Anti-angiogenic effects of the tubulysin precursor pretubulysin and of simplified pretubulysin derivativesBritish journal of pharmacology2012
    Hsieh, Cheng Chih et al.Chamaecypanone C, a novel skeleton microtubule inhibitor, with anticancer activity by trigger caspase 8-Fas/FasL dependent apoptotic pathway in human cancer cellsBiochemical Pharmacology2010


    Question 1: What is the difference between 70% pure porcine brain tubulin (Cat. # ML116) and 70% pure bovine brain tubulin (Cat. # ML113)?

    Answer 1:  The only difference is the source of the tubulin: bovine vs porcine brains.  Functionally, there are no significant differences between tubulin isolated from bovine brains vs porcine brains.  Stringent quality control and in-house testing has revealed no differences in polymerization, response to drugs (enhancers and inhibitors) or binding to accessory proteins (e.g., motor proteins). (See Comparison of Porcine and Bovine tubulin


    Question 2:  Does tubulin polymerization using 70% pure porcine brain tubulin/30% MAPs (Cat. # ML116) require additional enhancers such as glycerol or taxol?

    Answer 2:  No additional enhancers are required when using 2 mg/ml of the MAP-enriched 70% pure tubulin.  The recommended polymerization reaction using 70% pure tubulin contains 180 μl of 2 mg/ml tubulin in 80 mM PIPES pH 6.9, 0.5 mM EGTA, 2 mM MgCl2 and 1 mM GTP.  Polymerization is started by incubation at 37°C and followed by absorption readings at 340 nm. Under these conditions polymerization reaches a maximal OD340 between 0.3 - 0.4 within 20 minutes. In this experimental set up (180 μl volume in a spectrophotometer with a pathlength of 0.8 cm using Corning Costar’s half area well plate Cat. # 3696) an OD340 of 0.16 is approximately equal to 1 mg per ml of tubulin polymer mass. Thus, under the conditions described, approximately 100% of the tubulin is polymerized.  If polymerization enhancers such as taxol are to be used or tested, we recommend reducing the tubulin concentration to 1 mg/ml.  These conditions will result in a more pronounced nucleation phase and a lower polymerization curve.



    If you have any questions concerning this product, please contact our Technical Service department at tservice@cytoskeleton.com